Friday, August 31, 2007
I'm wiser.........
Its been a while since I last posted, but some noteworthy things have taken place. First thing is, i'm another moon older- my Bday was 4 days ago. So now i'm 23, not a kid anymore. I don't wanna grow up though, word to Toys R US. I guess its time to stop playing around and get on my grown man grind. I also started taking 2 more classes at TCC, one for UNIX and the other is SQL. Tomorrow, or later today I guess, me Rodney and Patten are going to SoBoston for Jade's wedding. Man, all my friends are pairing off and getting married. I'm starting to hear that question and have hints thrown my way. I'm gonna keep bobbing and weaving, though. I'm blocking all thoughts of that...................for now anyway.
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
I love L.A.
Thursday, August 2, 2007
Going back to Cali.........
I'm going back to Cali, Cali, Cali......word to L.L. The last time I went there was this past November. It was me and my Uncle Darryl, and we kicked it with my crazy cousin Rose. Oh excuse me, I meant to say Rosay (See photo below).

Anyway, we had a ball seeing the sights and doing the whole tourist thing. I developed a lil California Love, word to 'Pac. That was a quick 3 day trip though, but this time we're going out there for over a week. I know what to expect now though. I guess watching all those hood movies on BET had me thinking that I was going to to see crips and bloods on every corner and DeBo riding a bike down the street. But i'm good now though. I'm gonna bump this on the way to the airport to get me in the right mindstate...........

Anyway, we had a ball seeing the sights and doing the whole tourist thing. I developed a lil California Love, word to 'Pac. That was a quick 3 day trip though, but this time we're going out there for over a week. I know what to expect now though. I guess watching all those hood movies on BET had me thinking that I was going to to see crips and bloods on every corner and DeBo riding a bike down the street. But i'm good now though. I'm gonna bump this on the way to the airport to get me in the right mindstate...........
Thursday, July 26, 2007
American Justice
I've been doing some thinking. The court system here is messed up. Everyone is talking about Michael Vick, and being that i'm close to the area, I'm gonna add my .02¢ to the debate. I like dogs, ( I mean, I still have my Pound Puppies stuffed animals) and I think that the crimes that he is accused of are despicatble (word to daffy duck). BUT, I don't think the time he would serve or penalties fit the crime. Even if he is guilty, the penalty is outrageous. Up to 6 years is prison and $350,000 bucks? Thats bonkers. Its not so much the 350K fine, but the 6 years in the federal pen. Not jail, but prison. The bing. He'll be in there with rapists, murders, arsonists, bank robbers and *gasp* tax evaders. I just think the penalty is a lil harsh. Anyway speaking of dogs, here's a funny picture.

Sunday, July 22, 2007
This is Great
Wow, this is off the hook. My uncle is in Puerto Rico and trusted me enough (or was foolish enough) to give me the keys to his crib. And this isn't a shack either. This is the ultimate bachelor pad. This is a mans house, flat screens and the such. Tonight I brought some clothes over here to crash. I invited some of the fellas over, because I'm trying to get a feel for what its like to have my own spot. I even went to the store today and bought some groceries, for like the first time ever. Mom would've been proud. I didn't have a list or anything, but I should have, because I forgot my luncheon meat. Anyway, I wanna have a house party or somehting. Nothing big or out of control, just a few friends you know. But i'm enjoying this. I think this will help me on my path to being grown. Really.
Friday, July 20, 2007
Do Work Son
This is gonna be interesting. I've hated writing in journals since Mrs. Elmore's 2nd grade class. Back then she made us keep a diary. Of course she didn't call it a diary, but tried to cover it up by calling it a "log" or "journal". But in my 7 year old mind I just knew it was nothing more than a glofied Diary (word to Alicia Keys). 
But me and my boy P were having a discussion about how these are the best years of our lives etc, etc. and they need to be chronicled and documented. I need to start taking more pictures too. Anyway, I think by my "journal" being online and having a cool name like "blog" it makes it ok. Right?
Anyway, today I put in an honest days work. I was moving computers around all day, trying to get the school ready for the teachers to come back to work Monday. I have a love/hate relationship with my job. On one hand its great because I have a lot of free time when I don't have much to do. But on the other hand I'm bored half the time. Sometimes I feel like i'm wasting my time being there. Oh well, I know for the next few weeks i'm not going to have that problem.

But me and my boy P were having a discussion about how these are the best years of our lives etc, etc. and they need to be chronicled and documented. I need to start taking more pictures too. Anyway, I think by my "journal" being online and having a cool name like "blog" it makes it ok. Right?
Anyway, today I put in an honest days work. I was moving computers around all day, trying to get the school ready for the teachers to come back to work Monday. I have a love/hate relationship with my job. On one hand its great because I have a lot of free time when I don't have much to do. But on the other hand I'm bored half the time. Sometimes I feel like i'm wasting my time being there. Oh well, I know for the next few weeks i'm not going to have that problem.
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