Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Did Ya Miss Me?

So I was talking with a close friend, and got the suggestion to start a blog. I thought about it, and then remembered that I had created this one waaaay back when. It's been neglected since 2007 (smh), but I'm gonna give it another shot and try to keep it updated.

So much has changed since my last post. My closest aunt (Victoria) passed away in January '08, and the family hasn't quite been the same since. I think about how much she's missed. J had a baby and is FINALLY engaged to Candace. Erica got married, and so did Crystal. I moved away from Hampton in December '08 to Maryland and bought a crib. Life is moving so fast that it's hard to keep up. It's weird that when visiting Hampton it doesn't quite feel like "home" anymore because so much has changed with the city and people there. Even my parents house looks/feels totally different from when I was there. I can't believe my younger brother is 21 now and we can go to the bar and have a few drinks. My high school is planning our 10-year class reunion and I can't help but think that it's all been a blur

It feels weird "growing up"- a lot of my friends are getting married and having kids. This line from a Kanye song sticks with me and makes me think about where I am:

"My friend showed me pictures of his kids,

And all I could show him was pictures of my crib…"

I'm 27 now and overall I'm happy. I like my job, the area I'm in, and things are going good in the Congregation. But I'm kinda at the "what's next" stage, and trying to figure out what that is going to be interesting.

Anyway, just wanted to drop a quick update to get the ball rolling and try to get some momentum going. Peace!!

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