"Whoa...it's going to snow in the summer. Matter of fact, now I know it's the last days."
LOL That's what my cousin said when I brought a girl to a family cookout. I guess I don't blame him. It's probably been close to 5 years since my last relationship, so to the family it probably was a shock. I like to take things slow and not rush into things, especially when it comes to dating. But I found someone that I care about and think is really special. We've been friends for a few years and seem to compliment each other well. Although our backgrounds are different, we have a lot of the same interests, friends, outlooks and have the same sense of humor. Just becAuse I haveN't been in A relationship in a while, I'm a little nervous, but I have anY doubts that we're a good fit and can work out. My parents/family and I loved seeing her interact with everyone. This going to be fun.
Tuesday, April 24, 2012
Wednesday, April 11, 2012
Here it is April 11 and I still haven't done my taxes yet. The due date is April 15. Usually I would be spending my return by now, but for the first time in the history of my life, I'm going to owe. (Florida Evans Voice) Dang...Dang...DANG!!! So obviously, I've been in no rush to file. If I actually brought home what I made I would be balling. But Americans end up spending %50 of income on taxes, whether federal, state, or taxes or purchases. Why do we pay income taxes anyway? Check the link below.
Tuesday, April 10, 2012
Needs vs Wants
I know I don't need it and won't try to get one unless something drastic happens, but man do I want one. I'm trying to keep my eye simple (Matthew chapter 6) so this is kind of an easy decision.
A harder one is when it comes to dating. I can think of several sisters who are/were interested in me and would probably be a great gf. They're spiritual, independent, cool, etc and could probably fill needs I have (get your mind out the gutter lol) and "make me better" word to Ne-yo and Fabolous. At the same time, I don't get the feeling of WANTING to be with them. I think wanting to be with a person is huge and is the main reason I've waited so long since my last relationship. I don't get this feeling often, and the last few times I've really wanted to be with someone it never jumped off for one reason or another. Now this leads me to a question I'm still trying to answer....is it "settling" if I choose someone who is a good person, has a lot going for them and fills my needs, but that I necessarily don't have a strong desire for? Chemistry is huge and is something that you can't manufacture. So even though I'm getting the feeling of wanting to be with someone I want it to be the right someone. Someone who is good for me and I really want to be with. Oh well, I guess we'll see.
Wednesday, April 4, 2012
I know a girl
She puts the color inside of my world
But she's just like a maze
Where all of the walls all continually change
And I've done all I can
To stand on her steps with my heart in my hands
Now I'm starting to see
Maybe it's got nothing to do with me
She puts the color inside of my world
But she's just like a maze
Where all of the walls all continually change
And I've done all I can
To stand on her steps with my heart in my hands
Now I'm starting to see
Maybe it's got nothing to do with me
Tuesday, April 3, 2012
Home Sweet Home
So this past weekend was a whirlwind. Went to the movies with a friend and saw the Hunger Games which was pretty good. Stayed up wayyyy too late (4 am) and paid for it on Saturday. Woke up and rode down to Hampton to visit the fam. My mother had been getting on me about seeing everyone. I was supposed to get fitted for the tux for Jason's wedding, but they had to reschedule because everyone was busy.
Even though I live 3 hours away I still wait until going home to get stuff done to the whip (if it's not too major). It's better because the prices are cheaper and I can trust the shops since I've been going there for years. Anyway, one my way home I saw a cousin standing at the bus stop I hadn't seen in years. Gave him a ride home, and on the way to my parents I bumped into one of my uncles. He came by the house and chopped it up a few minutes. I took a much needed nap and woke up when Skylar came waking me up with my mom. That little girl is CRAZY and has way too much personality for a 3 year old lol. Me and Rodney went and visited a homie and then a sister from our old congregation. Next we went bowling with my mom, Christina and 6 little cousins. That was an adventure because those kids are outta control. I miss being around them because they're hilarious. Next ran to Buffalo Wild Wings with a few friends and another set of aunt and uncles and cousins. Afterwards ran down to Hadji's for an impromptu house party. By this time I'm running on fumes but hanging in there. Got to see alot of friends I hadn't seen in a minute.
When most of the people left, the crew stayed and talked about our memories and stories from growing up until 4 am. Talking about all the stuff we did together reminded me how much I miss the fam and how good of a childhood I had. We
The Sunday meeting wasn't until 12 and I was glad. Came home afterwards and slept like a baby. Mom cooked, and me Hadji and Rodney hit the Williamsburg Outlets. From there I made moves back to MD. It was a tiring weekend, but I really enjoyed it all around.
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